Warehouse 13 Fanfic/RP Wiki

a story by wilesjeffery2152

Story Summary[]

Nick Renson is finally back to work at the warehouse after being controlled by Peter Landens by an artifact, but something is wrong as his connection is still fuzzy and seeping away, Peter must have been using an additional artifact still active and causing havoc.

Artifacts Mentioned[]

Main Artifact seeping away Nicks connection to the warehouse:

Benito Mussolini's Brass Knuckles -A pair of brass knuckles used by Mussolini to beat the answers out of people. Using the knuckles can let the wearer look into the brain of whom they must focus on through the brain. But the person being affected by the artifact must be in pain to acess in short bursts.

Mentioned Artifacts:

Sigmund Freud's Cigar - Psychological artifact, in the warehouse.

Galen of Pergamon's Sword- Gives the most precise cut ever. One of artifacts that Peter Landens collected from the escapades of Warehouse 3.

Leonidas' Cestus - Wearing them gives amazing strength, but gives them the delusion of being invincible and unkillabe, one of artifacts that Peter Landens collected from the escapades of Warehouse 3.

Nemean Lion Pelt- Effect unknown, one of artifacts that Peter Landens collected from the escapades of Warehouse 3.

Pots from the Hanging Gardens of Babylon-Effect unknown, one of artifacts that Peter Landens collected from the escapades of Warehouse 3.

Bow of Artemis- Effect unknown, one of artifacts that Peter Landens collected from the escapades of Warehouse 3.

Statues from the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus-Effect unknown, one of artifacts that Peter Landens collected from the escapades of Warehouse 3.

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